Best Practices After A Massage.

Wether it’s your first time getting a massage or you are an avid spa goer, here are a few dos and don’ts after a massage.

  • Do drink plenty and I mean plenty!!! Of water above your normal intake in a day.. all lactic acids need to be flushed out of the system.

  • Do not work out or do anything strenuous, working out or doing strenuous activities tends to counteract the relaxation effects of massage.

  • Do take a nice shower or a nice bath.

  • Do eat a nice meal chances are you are probably going to be hungry.

  • Do Sleep or meditate( Meditation usually leads me to sleep.)

  • If breastfeeding do not breast feed for at least 24 to 48hrs because of the lactic acid, so you can either pump and dump.. or pee it out. It is definitely recommended to pump the needed milk necessary for your baby before your scheduled session.

  • Last but not least definitely do schedule your next session. I always tell my clients that getting a massage is like going to the gym. It takes more than once to start seeing the changes you want to see in your body.

Thank you for reading.

